How much thought have you given to your child’s daycare drop-off and pick-up each day? The way you part with your child in the morning and the way you reunite in the evening can make a big difference when it comes to your child’s day.
How to Make Drop-off a Breeze:
- Prepare the night before by picking out and laying out clothing so that your morning routine isn’t too hectic or rushed.
- Ask your child what his favorite part of his day will be, what he’s looking forward to, and who he’ll play with as a way of getting him excited on the drive to school.
- Come up with a special goodbye ritual that will make your child feel loved and comfortable. A funny handshake, a sweet hug, or a phrase that’s meaningful to you both can help to ease the transition.
- Remember, though, to keep your goodbye short and sweet. Too much hovering over your child at drop-off can make you seem anxious, which in turn can make your child anxious.
- Read books like Llama Llama Misses Mama and The Kissing Hand which directly address the idea of saying goodbye, and, more importantly, reuniting again.
Smoothing the End of Day Transition:
- When you arrive at daycare, you are catching your child in the middle of play or learning much of the time. Give her a few more minutes to finish her game or say goodbye.
- And remember to give yourself enough time for pick-up so that you’re not feeling rushed or flustered as you’re talking to parents and teachers and gathering your kids’ items.
- Just as you got your child excited on the drive to school, talk to your child about what you’ll do when you get home, whether it’s a special dinner or some games you’ll play.
- Consider coming up with an end-of-day ritual as well, whether it’s simply the order in which you’ll do things before heading out, or a special goodbye to your child’s friends and even his toys!
- Take some time to ask your child’s teacher how his day went. If your child had a tough day, you’ll know that he needs a little extra care at the end of the day.
Are you a pick-up or drop-off pro? Let your fellow parents in on your secrets by discussing below in the comments section!