Product Overload: Eight Items for Infants and Toddlers That You Don’t Need to Buy

Marketing for infant and toddler products has become widespread and very effective. From a variety of gadgets designed to make parenting easier, to coveted items that “every mom” should own, it can become difficult for parents to cut down their spending and their clutter! These eight items, however, don’t need to be on your shopping list or your registry. A …

How You and Your Baby Can Get Started Using Infant Sign Language

In infancy, children begin to understand the words used by the adults around them much more quickly than they are able to speak. Between six months of age and 2 years, your little one likely has motor skills and receptive language skills that vastly outpace his ability to speak out loud. But by teaching him American Sign Language, you can …

How to Handle Sleep Regressions

Sleep Regressions: The When, The Why, and How to Handle Them

Once you’ve gotten past the newborn phase, you likely never want to live through another 3am wakeup for a very long time. This is why the idea of sleep regressions strikes fear in the hearts of many a parent. But remember that these regressions are a normal part of your child’s development, and are temporary. If understood, and handled properly, …

Five Water Safety Tips for Kids

Water Safety: Five Tips for Keeping Young Children Safe this Summer

Extremely high temperatures and humidity are rolling in, and this summer, your family is likely to find themselves by the pool, at the beach, on a boat, or at the lake. Playing in the water can be a great way to keep kids active and cool them down, but drowning poses a serious danger to young children. Nearly 1,000 kids …

Tips For Coping With Separation Anxiety

When Goodbyes Are Tear-Filled: Tips for Coping with Separation Anxiety

Most children experience a period of separation anxiety in their young lives. Older babies often go through this phase when they learn about object permanence, and toddlers may endure this phase a second time. It may even last well into the preschool years. While your child’s anxiety should ease up once you’ve said goodbye and left him to play and …

Teething Guide for Moms and Dads

Teething 101: A Guide for Rookie Moms and Dads

You’ve made it through the sleepless newborn nights, and you’re finally settling into a schedule, only to be confronted by your next parenting challenge: teething. Teething and its profound effect on young children comes as a big surprise to unaware parents, so read on for the basics you’ll need to know. While teething can begin as early as 4 months …

Stages of Play: Babies and Preschoolers

Stages of Play: How Do Babies and Preschoolers Differ?

Is your ten month old obsessed with nesting blocks, but doesn’t seem to want to play with the other babies in daycare or at her playgroup? Or is your preschooler all of a sudden picking up new habits, phrases, and maybe a new friend? Children go through four main stages of play, from infancy up until school age, and each …